Day fifteen.
Time to buckle down.
It is about time to buckle down and stop procratinating. I am pretty good about procrastinating but I am trying to keep it under control between studying for exams, moving my apartment, getting my apartment and things settled in Alaska. I have a feeling I will be in overload in about ten minutes, so kicking into overdrive.
Four- twenty.
Yeah, today is four twenty I think it is the day that most people do drugs illegally. EWWW! I have to say that the things I am addicted to are coffee and chocolate <3
( please be smart drink responsibly)
Drink on.
Since I am in studying overdrive I haven't had much time to do any DIY project but I have been scoring some awesome DIY ideas on pinterest. I am in a thinking about being done with finals and send off to Alaska mood so I posted some fun drink ideas you can do yourself to have a party. Just click on the cyber links to get the tutorial :)
The picture above are shot glasses made of ice, do not let them intimidate you they are super easy to make and make your drink chilled at the same time.
This is something my family and I have done in the past multiple times. Throw some ice and your drinks into a canoe and let your guests have free rein.
Dress up your classy affair with some card on your wine glasses.. You can also use this as a game later on in the night or even a raffle.
Drink like a fish. All you need to do is get a large fish bowl, add some alcoholic beverages and get some friends together. This one is fun!! You can even connect the straws to make one giant straw and drink from across the room :)
Make your alcoholic/non-alcoholic drinks glow. Kids love this one. Just plug in a black light and get some tonic water and your are good to go.
Add some summer flair to your Sprite or Sangria by making fruit ice cubes... just pour some juice and fruit into the ice tray, freeze, and serve.
This is a wonderful idea for fall, that I just had to post it now so that I wouldn't forget. You can even do this with a watermelon for summer so put your work to the test. All you have to do is carve out the pumpkin/melon add ice and drinks and you have a personal conversation piece to place on the table.
This was a super cute idea for summer to take a wheel barrel and throw your drinks in there. This is great for kids as well to do their lemonade stand. :)
Thanks for reading and make sure to do my poll on the right hand side of DIY you would like to see me do.
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