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Day eight.

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Day eight.

Pay at least three people a day a compliment.

You should compliment at least three people a day. We all know we love when someone compliments us on our hair, make-up,or clothing so why not pass it along and compliment someone else and improve their day? Give it a try it will may you feel happy as well.

Exciting day for me.

I was super productive from 3am to 5am last night getting my CPR and Defibrillator license which carried over into getting my Food serving certificate in the mail. Sometimes I love getting mail when it isn't bills, today it consumed of my certificate,ear muffs, and my Alaska book of fun things to do. From now on my nights will consist of homework, blog, searching through my Alaska book and highlighting things to do in Alaska. 

Tonight went to relay for life and walked the track to donate money for Cancer. I love it, feels good doing something positive and for a cause.

This was the cute hairstyle I did today. I put in a headband and then made a braid and bobby pinned it to the back of my hair.

Just a picture to show my DIY ombre hair (meaning my hair on top is darker and then the color fades out) I am in love with it <3


So since I am away from my normal DIY stuff at the moment. I am going to post some stuff that baby powder is good for. I know Baby Powder is a random thing to pick but I actually needed to use it today for something other than its normal use (baby rash) and decided I know a couple things it is used for as a life saver. So here it goes.

First: Baby Powder is great if you have greasy hair (this is what I had to use it for today,since my hair is naturally curly and I straightened it I have a habit of touching my hair which makes it oilier.
1.) Just part your hair as you normally would
2.) Pour baby powder in hand
3.) Apply generously to sections that are greasy. ( you do not want to put to much powder to create your hair white, just enough to soak up the oil)
4.) Ruffle your hair and add anywhere else you want and it will look just like new.

Second: Baby powder is a fix if there is grease or oil on your favorite shirt or pants. Oil is always is a pain to get out if you can even manage to get it out of your clothing at all. All you need to do is :
1.) Lay your clothing on a flat surface where it can sit for a day or two
2.) Apply baby powder to the area that is the issue
3.) Let sit one to two days
4.) Wipe off and the powder should soak the grease/oil right up

Third: Baby Powder for a quick pet grooming pick me up. Here is how to do it :
1.) Take he powder and put on your pet
2.) Let is sit for a couple minutes
3.) Brush through your pets hair
4.) Your pet will smell great and look better

Fourth: Baby Powder keeps your playing cards clean and sticky free. Your cards get sticky sometimes cause things spill on them and what not. If this happens here is how to clean them.
1.) Take the cards and put them in a little Ziploc bag
2.) Add a bit of baby powder
3.) Shake the bag
4.) Clean smooth cards

Fourth: Baby Powder to get your rubber gloves on. It always stinks when you can't get your gloves on so all you have to do is:
1.) Put some baby powder on your hands so there is a light dust
2.) Your gloves should slip right on

Hope some of these things are a little helpful and maybe come to use down the line. Please follow and come back tomorrow.


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